Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life.” - Billie Jean King

Inevitably Sports and Games make an indispensable part of the curriculum of our University. It is the carrier of a healthy mind, a healthy body and a free soul. Sports aid in the development of social skills and reduce stress. It also makes sure that cooperation and coordination becomes the part and parcel of the lives of the student.

The attributes we eye on

  • An environment which motivates students
  • An optimism which never ceases to enlighten their lives
  • The team work which nurtures them on every track
  • The sportsman spirit which once ingested never leaves them

As the Pioneer University is providing holistic education, we have the best sports facility with us to take care of all of the above

The attributes which have made sure to carve a niche

Outdoor sports

Outdoor games like Badminton, Football, Basketball, and Cricket have specifications with respect to the field needs. We have it all on our campus. We make sure to provide amenities which are best in the class to provide the students with unsurpassed playing experience right here in our fields.

Indoor sports

Finest of the indoor games facilities lie with our institute. We have Table Tennis, Chess, and Carom as the part of the indoor sports activities for our students. The students can spend their time engaging in the sports arena of our indoor games with ease.


In order to inculcate a sportsman spirit in the students, time-to-time sports competitions are held in the University. They are held as inter-class, inter-department or inter-schools competitions. And, there are also organized Intercollegiate sports meets. This inspires the students, enables them knowledge about the level of competition and prepares them for future endeavors.

Sports Dignitaries

The best sports persons in the various sports, the sports personality, those that have made the nation proud with their milestone achievements are a treasure to the society. In order to inculcate the students with supreme aims, they are invited by our institute to give lectures about the games.

First Aid Box

Complete care is taken at the college premises to keep it safe for the students playing sports. However, if during some sports event or regular games a student gets hurt the sports facility has the first aid box to aid them with medical assistance.