M. Tech. in Transportation Engineering


  • Location - GHRU Amravati
  • Duration - 2 year
  • Program Type - Full time
  • Approved by - UGC

Transportation is among a select list of modern concepts that we’ll completely fail to function without. It’s surprising how essential highways, roads and public transportation infrastructure are to our lives. Moreover, in India, that dependency is a lot higher than anywhere else in the world. With many more people depending on the limited number of resources, systems are bound to break down or function with lower efficiency.

This is what our MTech in Transportation Engineering program deals with. As several second and third-tier cities grow in population and stature, the transportation infrastructure in these cities will need a revamp. And that’s precisely what this program will help students solve in the coming decades.

Course Structure

GHRU is a State Private University, which means that we can design our curriculum independently for MTech in Transportation Engineering. In an ever-evolving field like this, the students should get the opportunity to learn from a curriculum that is well in line with the industry standards and is up-to-date. And that is what GHRU does with scheduled revisions and upgrades to give students the best learning experience.


To be eligible for admission to the MTech in Construction Engineering and Management course, the candidate must appear in the GHRU entrance examination. The entries are solely based on the GHRU entrance examination.

Study at GHRU for a successful future & drive your career in the right direction with our M. Tech. in Transportation Engineering programs

Admission Procedure

  • Before starting every admission cycle, the University issues a notification on the University website, notice board and other public domains like newspapers, etc.
  • After the last date of application is over, a list of shortlisted students is put up on the University website, notice board, or the students are informed directly about their admission.
  • You are eligible to apply even if you're awaiting the results of your qualifying examination(s). Such candidates are offered provisional admissions and have to submit their previous years' mark sheet to confirm that they fall into the eligibility criteria. You must submit your mark sheet before the due date of applying for admissions. Once the provisional admission is approved, the candidate will have one month to provide the mark sheet for the qualifying examination. Subsequently, failing to do so will result in the cancellation of provisional admission.
  • If a candidate is granted provisional admission under the above-mentioned conditions and the said candidate fails to meet the eligibility criteria or has failed to obtain the required marks. In that case, the provisional admission is cancelled.
  • An application form is rejected for the following reasons:
    1. The candidate fails to fulfil the eligibility criteria provided by the University.
    2. The admission is cancelled if the candidate fails to enclose the prescribed fee.
    3. Provisional admission is cancelled if the application form does not contain the signature of the candidate and their parents/guardian, wherever applicable.
    4. The candidate fails to submit the supporting documents in time for admission
  • After submitting all the necessary documents and fees, the student will be assigned an enrollment number by the University.
  • Rules set by the University for the process of admission will be applicable from time to time.


An MTech in Transportation Engineering opens multiple doors for Graduates as they have the opportunity to work in an industry that’s ever-expanding and is known for its technological acumen. Also, they get enough knowledge to bag an elite white-collar job in this industry with hard work and dedication.

Further Studies

Transportation Engineering is an evolving field which means going for further education is not a bad option. A PhD in the said subject can help the Graduates become more knowledgeable and invest their knowledge in fields like research.

Job Opportunities

Here are the jobs that you can opt for after Graduation in MTech in Transportation Engineering:

  • Transportation Engineer
  • Expert in the Field of Traffic
  • Urban Planning and Pavement Design Expert
  • Consultants
  • Project Managers
  • Valuation Consultants
  • Green Building Auditors
  • Site Engineers
  • Planning and Billing Engineers